
If you have a heart, you have a purpose

“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
—— Marianne Williamson

What is HeartQuest?

You get to own your power, awaken your greatest gifts, and live a life aligned with your heart’s desire. Your health, your personal and professional life and your spirituality will forever be transformed!

What Will You Get?

15x Lifeline Technique® integrated with Evolutionary Astrology sessions

15x Weekly transformational Heart-Centered Leadership training video & exercises

Daily Somatic & Energy Alignment exercises throughout 105 days

1x Complimentary 30mins 1-on-1 Pre-Assessment & Coaching session

Personal Philosophy — Roadmap towards Powerful Choices

Powerful daily & weekly routines to get into Flow State

24/7 Support through WhatsApp or E-mail by Chiron Yeng personally

Thrive and walk the transformative journey with Like-Minded Community

Who is This For?

You desire to make an impact in your personal and professional life

You see your life has a higher purpose and that you are here to impact others by sharing your innate gifts with others.

You are 100% committed

You’re willing to show up fully, take courageous action, and do the work required for transformational growth.

You take full ownership of your personal growth

You’re proactive to act upon new insights despite the vulnerability, uncomfortable feelings and adopt a growth mindset to learn from your mistakes.

You are seeking long-term sustainable change over quick fixes

You desire to build a life of healing, impact, legacy with your innate gifts. You’re not looking for tips and tricks – you’re ready for true personal transformation.

You value deep transformational coaching

You’re prepared for deep inner work. You value feedback that is provocative, direct, personalized, and sometimes uncomfortable. You are committed to the path to self-mastery.

HeartQuest has a clear step-by-step roadmap for transformation.

Life happens To you

Self-Acceptance: We develop clarity to observe where we are at to build a loving relationship with our wounded conditioning.

Life happens By you

Self-Compassion: We create a safe and trusting environment to transform old wounds and emotionally charged subconscious limiting beliefs.

Life happens For you

Self-Actualization: We cultivate our innate gifts and purpose through the application of heart-centered leadership skills, fostering spontaneous healing and breakthroughs.

Life happens With you

Self-Mastery: We use our innate gifts and purpose to serve those around us, inspiring empowering life transformation in self and others.

Life happens As you

HeartQuest goes beyond theory and information, emphasizing deep transformation.

HeartQuest uses 12 Interdisciplinary Modalities of ancient wisdom, modern spiritual philosophies, and scientific inner technologies.


Lifeline Technique®


Evolutionary Astrology


Nature-connected Coaching & Ecopsychology


Buddhist Psychology & Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction


Epigenetics & Psycho-neuro-immunology


Compassionate Inquiry & Trauma-informed Coaching


Sacred Activism & Lion-hearted Leadership


Flow States Research (modern science)


Depth Psychology & Mythology


High Performance & Executive Coaching


Heart Coherence Research


Movement Philosophy

“The hardest thing to experience spontaneous healing and creating empowering life transformation is to let go who we were in order to step into who we can become.” —— Chiron Yeng

HeartQuest offers flexibility in how you want to experience your transformational journey.

Choose the learning experience that is most suitable for you.

What Others Say About HeartQuest?

Stuck in a cycle of repeated failures that left me burdened with stress, fear of financial instability, and self-doubt. Both my mental and physical well-being were affected.

After HeartQuest sessions, I realize, ”I am the architect of my own life.“ Made a courageous decision to leave my current job and pursue my passion as a videographer. This decision led to significant improvements in my mental and physical health.
Videographer & Photographer
I broke down with self doubt and the fear of making incorrect life choices following my abrupt resignation. I felt lost and unhappy.

With Chiron’s guidance, I felt safe and supported. I started to see possibilities and gave myself full permission to take time to figure myself out. The in-depth, guided conversation and coaching we have together, helped me to feel more confident moving forward and expressing my authentic self.
Emcee, Event Organiser, Content Creator
I was looking for the answer of what was holding me back. HeartQuest sessions uncovered the hidden fears deep within me. I realised how these fears were shaping my reality subconsciously.

With this newfound awareness, I can now identify my self-sabotaging behaviours and make choices align with my true self.
Brand Designer & Consultant
I saw my “trapped” self, that awareness spontaneously liberated within a single session when I realized that love has been within me all along. I always have a choice regardless of what is happening outside of me. Imagination was able to help me see my possibilities.

I realized I was no longer hypersensitive, claustrophobic, feel more confident speaking and communicating effectively with others, found joy in simple pleasures, resilience in facing challenges, ability to focus better, found greater love and compassion for my family, new career opportunities and a loving soulmate.
Digital Marketer & Home Baker
The sessions in HeartQuest has been the single most important factor for me in finding myself, unknotting myself and bringing peace to myself and my relationships around me. Chiron has helped me learn to lead myself.

Through our sessions, I have discovered the courage, confidence in forgiving, accepting and loving me as who I am. I am now able to slowly walk the path of my own and create a future of my own. There's nothing more liberating and blissful for me than being myself.
HeartQuest Participant (SOLO)

HeartQuest: Awakening Your Greatest Gifts Policies

Our policy does not provide for refunds. We choose to work with those who fully commit wholeheartedly because your heart’s greatest desire and innate gifts are valuable beyond measure. You are either you’re fully in, or you’re not.

Show up fully, hide nothing, and hold nothing back. Embrace and befriend vulnerability. You will maximize the value you get by showing to the program this way.

“To live with courage, purpose, and connection—to be the person whom we long to be — we must again be vulnerable. We must take off the armor, put down the weapons, show up, and let ourselves be seen.”

—— Brené Brown

Successful coaching relationships require 200% Commitment. In HeartQuest: Awakening Your Greatest Gift, Chiron Yeng is 100% committed in your transformational journey. Similarly, you are required to commit 100% as well.

Lean in and show up to the process. Take action, even in the face of fear. Embrace vulnerability. Push your boundaries. Take risks. Make mistakes and befriend failure and uncomfortable feelings. When all of these aspects align, it is certain path to greater success that goes beyond your own expectations.

HeartQuest: Awakening Your Greatest Gift does not guarantee in respect of results, outcomes, consequences, or reliance on Chiron Yeng. You are solely responsible for creating and implementing changes to your own physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. You are solely responsible for your decisions, choices, actions and results arising out of, in connection with or resulting from this program.

HeartQuest: Awakening Your Greatest Gift does not offer session recordings for two key reasons. Firstly, this ensures you receive maximum value from the transformational experience you have invested in.

Secondly, it fosters safety and trust in our learning environment as we process private, sensitive matters and personal challenges. No session information is disclosed outside of this transformative coaching container.

HeartQuest: Awakening Your Greatest Gifts FAQ

How do I know if HeartQuest: Awakening Your Greatest Gifts right for me?

If you have tried various external methods to create work-life balance, cultivate healthier relationship with stress, find inner peace and clarity, attending retreats after retreats, signing up to coaching programs after another, chasing after your dreams, creating vision boards, bridging the gap between practicality and spirituality but they have not been effective for you, HeartQuest is specifically designed for you because you are finally turning within to change the fundamental identity of who you think you are.


Instead of teaching you more information about spirituality, personal transformation, and life manifestation, HeartQuest empowers you to connect to your innate intelligence and wisdom to unlock personal transformation through wisdom from ancient traditions, modern spiritual philosophies, and scientific inner technologies.

Is HeartQuest: Awakening Your Greatest Gifts therapy?

HeartQuest: Awakening Your Greatest Gifts should not be seen as therapy, counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, or as a mental health care service. It's also not a diagnosis or treatment for any medical, physical or mental conditions. Even though we may discuss these topics during the course of program, they aren't a substitute for professional advice from a legal, medical, or other professional. We're here to uncover your greatest gifts, not to diagnose or treat health conditions.

Is HeartQuests: Awakening Your Greatest Gifts attached to any religious teachings?

HeartQuest: Awakening Your Greatest Gifts is not attached to any religiosity and is completely secular. While we may seek inspiration from all religions across diverse culture and traditions, HeartQuest does not impose any dogma, ritual, or ceremonies that is incoherent to anyone’s faith.

Do I have to be “spiritual” in order to participate in HeartQuest: Awakening Your Greatest Gifts?

Participation of this program does not require you to be ”spiritual”. While we encourage a growth mindset, curiosity, and enthusiasm for spirituality and personal transformation, no prior experience is needed for this program.


At HeartQuest, we focus on self-knowledge. It's a nurturing environment where you can learn from yourself and discover your greatest gifts. By merging science with spirituality and ancient wisdom with modern knowledge, you'll find that the answers you've been seeking have always been within you.